Saturday, July 28, 2007

Donnie V.

Donovan Vincenzo , 20 y algo años de edad,
aunque su nombre suena como de algo cool
como detective de homicidios, mafioso o incluso supermodelo no gay que incurre en deportes extremos y se tira a todas las supermodelos no flacas (y flacas ocasionalmete) , Donovan en realidad es un tipo común y corriente con un nombre de protagonista de pelicula de acción.

No mata despiadados que asesinaron a su perro, culebra, gato, tarantula, hamster (por favor!, familia asesinada está demasiado quemada..o el hermano o el papá), no busca arcas perdidas, ni se mete en templos de aborigenes canibales con la cara pintada de una forma que ni el brujo legitimo de la tribú se atreveria a ponerse ...
no es un hacker con cuerpo de luchador o artes marciales mixtas (ni fue wolverine y van helsing en otra peli...), no conduce un auto con inteligencia artificial o es el líder de un grupo de salvavidas (casi todas mujeres y TODAS han salido en Playboy), ni mucho menos ha vencido a un depredador extraterrestre, ni ha sido un cyborg asesino arrepentido que vuelve a ayudar al hijo de su victima. Donovan no ha ni siquiera ganado el titulo mundial de peso completo de la WWE, ni siquiera el el es un billonario aburrido que vive siempre en busqueda de nuevas aventuras (arriesgando por supuesto la vida)....

Pero se los come a toditos en un maestro de cinturón negro...el dalai galletica emperador justo despues de un plato de pretzels saladisimos, el dadaluma ...el león de fulfa fulfa.......en la C.a.M.a
- Carlos Adolfo Morales Ascuasiati :) get it? got it? good.

in between the red curtain

Never mistrust
never mistrust your ability
never mistrust your ability to make me feel alive
never doubt
never doubt what your heart says
never doubt what your heart says directly
never doubt what your heart says directly to mine
i love every inch of every fiber of every cell of every molecule of every atom
that make your eyes shimmer and your sweetness overflow
and thine cup runneth over, all over my skin, and these dreams you and i
you and i... u & I made love within a wrapped and heat invoking red a symphony for an empty theater...feeding the ghosts and phantoms
of not neccesarily operas...for ghouls and ghosts are strengthened by interchanging energy
and what powerful and know i'm all alone in the darkness
but i don't mind because i know you're my arms...whispering in my ear....
the strangest and funniest sound your chipper and overtly comical mood
could evoke...if it weren't for you....

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I died sincere...some of the things i said may have crushed bridges
it feels like this is the afterlife...but my influence lives on
but some would say..."you seem alive!" answer is ...i'm not
i am dead...dead and's not sad...even though tears are wept...
even though some memories are powerful enough to create planets...
even though i still breathe...even though my heart beats...and believe me
inside alive...i'm way more a alive than a lot of people i know...
that still carry around themselves with one eye closed and the other waiting for the day
to collapse....i'm in a sort of heaven/hell a marriage between the two...
surviving the depths of find that which i've lost...or merely misplaced...
that day could be tomorrow...or i could be reborn right now...oh wait...if this is being written
then i've returned from the dead ...and baby, i'm not undead....just look down my pants...
so its like i say...the king is in fact dead....but no one said anything about the emperor....
i'm so glad to be immortal...your love makes me so...