Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The impure (feel free to read)

I never doubted you
What's for you
and yours alone
will not pass you by
even if it denies it
even if it pretends
not to
the digits on my forehead
the digits on your back
inhale the magic in the background
listen to the words being spoken
and the subtle sounds behind them
look deep stare hard enough so you can see my soul
naked and raw, against the flames , my fingers are burnt
i've dabbled with flames before...played with explosives
your blood baby, it's gasoline. together we go boom
undescribable burst of colors, this is pure
purely coincidential
it's not fate
don't trust that bitch
she tricks us
fate may have brought us together
even though so far away
it's faith that will keep us together
love yourself twice as hard
I don't deserve your full force
not yet....333

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