Saturday, June 03, 2006


I know why ...
Wish i had enough words to express it
And maybe a clear , concise idea of whats happening
Nothing is like this, its almost vicious...extremely sweet...
This expression of raw feverish emotion...
Young and wild ...these dreams we craft...into living movies
Ours, so one else enters here...our little minefield
Understanding would be futile, it´s best to just feel, flow...
Songs of the sky that fall as rain unto our skin...
Opens locked doors between you and i exposed
Bare it willing to...we find ourselves alone out here
And its perfect...theres nothing in the way, nothing matters
Deffinately alive, you make me feel so alive
Inside me inside you inside this world, on the inside we
Tick like bombs wanting to explode unto each other
Hell would seem arctic in this fiery display
Undermining all possible forms of resistance
Reality is....beautiful, just as long as you re in it
The tension is overhwelming, the anticipation
Seed of many years finally growing, outlasting perfection


Jenin said...

I just love to be the director of my life...i think it´s my masterpiece.. so mine..
I luv the way orgasms are represented in this least that´s the way I see it..thru the glass of my mechanical eyes...enjoying each one like ticking bombs exploding with a perfect intermezzo..

Carlos Morales said...

And thus...dreams erupt from warm ...supernova of thought, flesh and flame...wilst thine mechanical eyes analize this iconic binary code...from 1 to 9 never reach the final tick...the final tick that never then stuck in intermezzo...waiting tick tick tick tick tick tick