Saturday, May 06, 2006

she is...

(red and blue lights aligned)

burning me, with intention, with intensity...i may be dying even though she doesn't know it...i'm dying for her and she can feel it...but she doesn't know what impulses her...what perfect lightbeams she casts unto my shadows...her eyes shimmer, she smiles in still pictures ...drawn into my subconcious ...i paint her portrait in daydreams...we're on some far off beach somewhere...making love...all day, all night, at times taking slight breaks to play in the sand and swim in the ocean, then it's like i can't stand it...she's so beautiful it drives me fucking crazy , i just look into those fountains of light...i can see myself inside them and then things just jumping from a daydream into reality...i hold her in my arms...her skin is so warm...the waves crawl deep into my pores...tickle my insides a bit..."what's with this damn tickling...why on earth does it tickle...urgh" ....then she just does she know...she kisses me and runs where are we? ...i guess no one's leading's just you and me baby...where our minds and souls's a mystery to fact, why don't you tell me? ...with all your superpsychic female intuition thing...all i can do is scratch my nuts and burp...wait a minute! ...i can sing too! ...can you play something? ...let me sing you a song then...and please do not tickle me halfway....oh god no...there it is again....damn....stop laughing ..jajajajajajajajjaajajjaja.....don't tickle me....come ere' you're mine! ...."sencored!"


emilyblue said...

eyy no em comienze escribir en ingle viejoo que yo no entender :P

Carlos Morales said...

sorry :P

Jenin said...
